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Leslie Hall



2003-10-02, 11:15 a.m.

kristin - no, it wasn't too too bad, but i did a lot of crying, which is not my favorite thing.

kristin - whatever.

kristin - i'm glad i go to the crazy doctor today, though.

kristin - (nell)

eric - the crying doesn't make you feel somewhat better?

kristin - well, i mean, yes, it does, but that falls into the I Am Not Perfect category of behavior, hence, it makes me feel bad in some ways, but better in others.

eric - understood

eric - the whole "i'm not perfect" thing seems to run quite well with our family

kristin - yes.

kristin - i got drunk like pretty toasty the other weekend, and was trying really hard to maintain, but then i sort of fell off the couch. i apologized the next morning, and crystal & anne were liek "oh my god kristin we loved it you are never drunk!!!" i said "i know, but that means i am not perfect." they laughed, but i wasn't joking.

eric - same thing with not sneezing/coughing, etc. in public

eric - it means that i too succumb to things like dust

eric - and it irks me

kristin - yes.

kristin - i am the same way.

kristin - i cringe every time i cough or sneeze like i'm all embarassed.

kristin - eric, it is insane.

kristin - we are crazy.

eric - there has to be a condition

eric - it has to have a name

eric it's the "two-mothers" syndrome

kristin - yes. and this little convo is going on that site right now.

kristin -(well, not RIGHT NOW, but you know, right now!)

eric i konw

kristin - haha.

kristin - i was just thinking that being joined at the brain really has its advantages...

kristin - have you read your horoscope yet?

eric - no

eric - from...

kristin - wash post: CANCER (June 21-July 22): You're bending over backward to accommodate close family. Focusing on your interests rather than others would be wise, particularly as you don't need to justify your actions.

eric - in that case, screw you kristin, i have my own shit to do

eric - and i dont 'have to justify anything!

kristin - i know, right?

eric - whatever washingtonpost, i'll see you in hell

kristin - i'm going to start calling you eric all the time like those people who always say your name when they're talking to you so that you can sense that they are "engaged" and paying attention to you.

kristin - what about that, eric? do you think that's a good idea.

eric - creepy.

kristin - eric, i want you to know that i'm there for you. you don't need to justify anything to me, okay?

kristin - hahaaaaaaahahhaa.

eric - sure thing, Kristin

kristin - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

kristin - witha capital "k" no less.

kristin -well, i AM kristin with a capital "k"

kristin - so, i guess that makes sense.

eric - yes

kristin - um, so how was your evenink

kristin - ?

eric - i started reading the DaVinci Code

eric - it's crazy good

kristin - oh, really?

eric - this was me:

kristin - hooray.

eric - i look forward to my metro ride so i can get in my usual 30 pages

kristin - ah. so, what is it a fact-based novel, or what?

eric - yeah

kristin - or is it "that davinci he was so fucking crazy, and these are his crazy ideas."

eric - and so far it's been set in paris which makes me : D

eric - sort of

eric - it's about this secret societ holding secrets

eric - (oh my god, i'm a moron for typing that)

eric - hahaha

eric - you know, those secret societies having secrets?

eric - like they do.

eric - how it works like that?

kristin - like that.

kristin - are we talking black hooded robes & chanting?

kristin - or what?

eric - so far i've gathered the whole pagan sybolism in christian artwrok

kristin - and paddling one another on teh ass, etc.?

eric - not so much eachother but themselves

eric - wearing those things around their thighs

kristin - oh. self-flagellation?

eric - a belt strap with barbed wire

kristin - what things?

kristin -ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh jesus

kristin - (SIDEBAR)

eric - so that they can always remember the pain of christ, etc.

eric - shoot!

kristin - one of the guards just mailed a new phone list, and said to email him with changes or suggestions. i wanna email him back and say "i think you should shave your mustache, it is way child molestor."


eric - please do

eric - CC me in on that

0 Comments So Far

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THAT BITCH - 2005-07-15
JEOPARDY - 2005-06-24
PB&J DAY - 2005-06-16
NOISES - 2005-03-16



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