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Leslie Hall



2003-10-30, 12:20 p.m.

kristin - the font colors just BLOW.

Eric - PINK!

kristin - why can't it be all of the colors like in ppt, etc.

kristin - where you can choose from the huge honeycomb of colors?

Eric - so does he think i'm you?

Eric - or what

kristin - oh, i have no idea.

Eric - i'm thinking so

kristin - and why do people keep fucking misspelling my name WHEN IT'S SPELLED RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM?????

kristin -

kristin - i hope he thinks you're me. he's pretty much correct.

kristin - if you think about it.

Eric - right

Eric - just a different set of cells moving independently from yourself

kristin - yeah.

Eric - i'm the gay 1980 model

kristin - the gay 1980 aryan model.

kristin - blonde/blue combo

kristin - with a penis, etc.

Eric - right

Eric - goin ta smoke

kristin - yeah. me, too.

Eric - when you get back

Eric - can you email me my resume?

Eric - the job annoucnment closed tuesday

kristin - kay

kristin - i actually never left.

Eric - however my BFF Carolyn is gonna "see what she can do"

kristin - hold on a sec

Eric - ah

Eric - how recently did i send it to you?

Eric - i hope i don't have to redo it to include the rest of my stuff

kristin - you should.

Eric - whoa

Eric - it's all screwy

Eric - written in crazy tlak languate

Eric - can you attach it and email it?

kristin - something is fucked with the file i have

kristin - i can't even open it.


Eric - jesusfuckinchrist

Eric - now i'm for real smoking

kristin - gotta run.

kristin - downstairs, etc.

kristin - to do "a job" for (my boss).

kristin - whatever that is supposed to mean.

Eric - k

kristin - back

kristin - mer. (sad kittennoise)

Eric - ok

Eric - so there's a contract out on our apartment

Eric - the chick that i was dealing with earlier in the week no longer works there

Eric - what

Eric - the

Eric - fuck?

Eric - so they're calling me back within the hour

kristin - oh my lord.

kristin - well, i guess everyone hates your apartment complex, including the people who work there.

Eric - yup

kristin - man i really <3 this font i'm using.

Eric - fuckin bastards

Eric - it's good times

Eric - so what did you have to do for (your boss)

Eric - so i wonder why my resume is all corrupted and stuff

kristin - yeah i dunno about the resume, etc.

kristin - (my boss) wants me to review & edit an OCI plan


Eric - dr.c just emailed me the resume he has

kristin - oh good.

Eric - no, not goo

Eric - dd

Eric - the last job on there is from a year ago.

Eric - i'd have ot write shit for my last 3 jobs

kristin - rrrrrrrrr

kristin - i am looking through the folder i have of your saved emails just in case i still have the resume one.

Eric - right

Eric - mikey doesn't have it

Eric - dad still hasn't gotten back ot me

Eric - i dunno where that mother is or what he's doin

Eric - *clap clap* c'mon son

kristin - kay read this, though, it is an old email of yours:

kristin - Tell me why I feel like a penis with my tie on every fuckslapping day of the week? This dick needs to get a new jobby job. It's like wearing a cock-ring with none of the benefits,



Eric - oh

Eric - my

Eric - god

Eric - i'm so funny

kristin - *crying8

kristin - *crying8

kristin - (still)

kristin - Girl, I'll take the left one. I'll take his ear, I'll take anything. I'd eat his toilet paper girl...that's what I'm talking about. That mother is so funny that he almost caused me to have a brown volcano eruption in my seat...it wasn't pretty. Good thing I'm wearing brown pants girl. Yeah, I thought you had AIM before...is it still on there? You kno wmy screen name girl. I'll be here.

kristin - (this is about porktornado)

kristin - *crying*

Eric - right

Eric - jeez

Eric - you know i totally forget the shit we write in emails

Eric - my god

kristin -totally

Eric - goin ta 400 for lunch

kristin - k

Eric - oh man

Eric - that salad= <3

kristin - good good.

kristin - i'm having salad also right now.

kristin - but with that lite caesare dressing i hate.

Eric - when you were talking about having the big lighter in your hand i had a very similar thought after having a skinny one for so long

Eric - but then

Eric - you already knew that

Eric - you too

kristin - yeah

kristin - oh. that was a fuck you to the lite caesar.

kristin - not you.

Eric - OH

kristin - ,it's to goddamn peppery

Eric - hahaha

Eric - hmmm

kristin - IT BURNS

kristin - man this doucment i'm tryna edit.

kristin - = BOring

Eric - right

Eric - the word "document"=boring

Eric - the cucumbers are super MUR-inated

kristin - oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh

kristin - fun fun times.

Eric - yes

Eric - it's blissful

kristin - kay so re: yesterday's string theory mess: the next time i say "discreet pieces" of anything, then you need to dopeslap me.

Eric - i just wish i had some bread

Eric - damnit

Eric - k

kristin - i'm going to start calling documents "cockuments" because that = not so boring.

Eric - AH

kristin - so, the bitch that was in charge of the move came to chat & said she would get me a hard hat & take me to the second floor if i wanted a tour.

kristin - me: oh.

Eric - hard hat

Eric - ?

kristin - yeah totally.

kristin - they're constructing things.

kristin - this fucking OCI thing kan kiss my kan

Eric - the OCI

kristin - god.

kristin - it suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks

kristin - soso annoying.

kristin - and now i'm looking for a form and i cannot find it.


Eric - what kinda form

Eric - i have a headache

kristin - found it.

kristin - i was searching for our non-disclosure agreement form

kristin - so i typed "proprietary" into the keyword thing, and it was talkin' about no documents found.

kristin - i was like "really, huh, so i guess i can shout all our supersecret information FROM THE ROOFTOPS you sucky sucky search engine i hate you!!!!"

Eric - what a crock of bullshit

Eric - fuckin cocksuckers

Eric - i'm in such a mood

kristin - what a steaming pile of stupid

Eric - gates of mclean + headache + no resume

kristin - that search engine is a HUNK OF JUNK and it makes me FURIOUS

kristin - oh yeah. no that is a trifecta that ends with angry

Eric - and this

kristin - HAHAHHAAA.

kristin - yeah.

0 Comments So Far

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THAT BITCH - 2005-07-15
JEOPARDY - 2005-06-24
PB&J DAY - 2005-06-16
NOISES - 2005-03-16



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