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Leslie Hall


PORK TRILOGY: Part 1, Missing Links

2004-05-19, 1:15 p.m.

Hi, everyone! It�s Kristin. I just finished up this new layout. I was inspired after redoing my own page, and I would like to say that I did this all by myself! Kristin the webmistress presiding.

BACKGROUND ON THIS ENTRY: My brother and I both love pork and pork-related products. This was written/IM�d back in 2002, and I found it while cleaning up some files. This came way before we both fell in love with Dusty, aka the Pork Tornado. It is only more appropriate now. Our love for pork inspired us to want to write a song about it. This eventually became the pork musical, but I�m getting ahead of myself. This is part 1 of a discussion in which we try to think of as many pork-related things possible. This is the first installment in a series. Since Eric has a job now that involves actual work, we don�t get in as much IM time as we used to. Enjoy!

egpbstpackage signed on at 12:31:25 PM.

Eric - alright this mother is back from lunch

Kristin - urn, okay. i just went up to the bathroom. someone had not just laid down the law, these mothers had laid down the 1 0 commandments, the 12 tables & the bill of rights. walked in there, and had to take a step back like someone had just smacked my forehead. i thought you might appreciate that little nugget. nugget. and, why is this mother trying to talk (very loudly) on the phone about c-sections? please kill me

Eric - lordy

Eric - i wrote a little novella myself when I was at home

Kristin - really?

Eric - i was talking about laying down the law

Eric - it was more of a novella than a law

Eric - actually, it was like an amendment

Kristin - oh, and i, myself, wrote a little vignette for the white porcelain mothers this morning...twice, actually. yay turds!

Eric - gooooooo nuggets!

Kristin - rah rah rah

Eric - siss boom bah

Kristin - thank you.

Eric - bits girl...bits...how could we forget the bits???

Kristin - holy fucking shit!

Eric - i know

Kristin - i don't even know. especially considering how i love nothing more than a bacon bit.

Eric - someone slap me for foregetting those mothers

Kristin - hold on, i'll be right there.

Eric - i know, right

Eric - well, it looks like i'li have to slit my wrists tonight

Eric - it was nice knowin you girl

Eric - i can't get over it..BITS!!!! HELLO!!!!

Eric - oh well, i'li move on

Eric - although there must be more bacon/pork related things that we haven't gotten to yet

Kristin - bits, bits, bacon bits

Eric - it fits so well

Eric - snout, snout, gotta have snout

Kristin - doesn't it? i mean, the song practically writes itself.

Kristin - chops, chops, pooork chops

Eric - ears, ears, chew those lobes

Kristin - i'm laughing so hard about that ear bit (bit, get it?), that i'm crying.

Kristin - hold on.

Eric - k

Kristin - eat those knuckles if your horse's name is buckles

Eric - hahha

Eric - excellent

Kristin - lobes. i'm still not over that one.

Kristin - people probably think i'm choking over here or something.

Kristin - i keep weezing like dad

Kristin - rump rump, roast that butt

Eric - i almost coughed up an entire tuna today at lunch

Kristin - why? the bacon thing?

Eric - i inhaled a piece

Kristin - oh.

Kristin - i cannot stop laughing.

Eric - it went a little something like this *short breath hack* *long breath hack*

Eric - it kept on for a litlte bit

Eric - then i started laughing

Eric - i had nothing to drink

Eric - and then i sneezed

Eric - i'm surprised the flat screen TV didn't look more like a fish market

Kristin - or like a tuna swallowed a grenade

Eric - LOL

Eric - yes

Eric - sorry about the "lol" girl i'm so used to it

Kristin - it's okay.

Kristin - i totally forgive you.

Kristin - eeeeeeeeek!

Eric - i know

Kristin - feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

Eric - thank you

Kristin - lobes. i swear. i'm still laughing about that mother.

Eric - i was thinking of setting it to the "stools" song from guffman

Eric - think of it

Kristin - okay, i'm thinking it.

Kristin - YES! THANK YOU!

Eric - i think we need to get sly and the family stone to do the music

Kristin - i'm sorry, but i'm going to have to disagree with you on the music. if john tesh doesn't do it, then i'm afraid i'll have to abandon the project.

Eric - phillip glass?

Eric - c'mon!

Kristin - oooh. good call. that would be soooooooo perfect.

Eric - or yoko ono

Eric - sizzle sizzle sizzle

Eric - ham-hock, ham-hock, ham-hock .

Eric - it all fits

Eric - GIRL!!!!!!

Eric - a pork musical!!!!!!!!!!!

Kristin - ohmygod.

Eric - we're on to something here

Kristin - you know it needs to be done.

Kristin - they must have pork festivals somewhere in this country. (maybe italy?) we could be superstars.

Eric - we could

Eric - get hog shaped sunglasses and whatnot

Kristin - not that we aren't already. it's just that nobody knows it yet

Kristin - oh, my friend. you know we need a headband with piggy ears attached to them. maybe on those deely-bobber type spring things.

Eric - oh thank you

Kristin - this is magic just WAITING to happen.

Eric - by the way, did you see the "naughty pig" key chain that dr. c bought me?

Kristin - no. is it pigs gettin' busy?

Kristin - foreshadowing.

Kristin - zooooooweeeeeeeeee.

Kristin - OHMYGOD. if miss piggy isn't on the promo posters, i will kill myself. HIIll-Y A!

Kristin - how could we forget miss piggy? ah!

Kristin - that's worse than forgetting bits!

Eric - miss piggy righ tnow

Eric - i know right?

Eric - we need a title for the musical

Eric - "Bring Home the Bacon?"

Kristin - yeah.

Kristin - but, we could jazz it up a little bit. maybe "bring the bacon on home?"

Kristin - "ham bone, ham bone, where you been?"

Eric - or "someone needs to bring home some bacon"

Eric - i'm so serious

Eric - if this isn't the reciept for a tony award...then i don't know what it

Eric - sorry, what is

Kristin - i wonder if gautier would do my dress?

Kristin - i mean, come on? you know that he would.

Kristin - oh, yeah, and we could also throw in some non-food pork products like "watchband, watchband, what time is it?"

To be continued�

1 Comments So Far

< - >

THAT BITCH - 2005-07-15
JEOPARDY - 2005-06-24
PB&J DAY - 2005-06-16
NOISES - 2005-03-16



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