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Leslie Hall



2004-02-25, 9:58 a.m.

Eric - cock rings right now

Kristin - i know.

Kristin - that seriously was the last thing i would've really picked up on.

Eric - for realz

Kristin - unless, of course, i had purchased one for myself, used it, and was unsure of what the benefits were supposed to be.

Kristin - see.

Eric - right

Kristin - i thought they were supposed to help give you ULTRA BONER.

Eric - and i just said that because it sounded funy

Kristin - like fatter or something.

Eric - it's more of a harder thing

Kristin - right right.

Eric - due to the constriction

Kristin - the cutting off of the circulation

Eric - yeah

Eric - but i've never had one/worn one

Kristin - right.

Eric - it's more geared towards the older S&M crowd who can't get it all that hard

Kristin - yes. for the folks who need to slap people with their cocks

Eric - yup

Kristin - hahhahaha.

Kristin - right now

Eric - or help in maintaining

Eric - 8=====D

Eric -

kristin -

kristin - i'm going to kill everone

kristin - ever. one.

Eric - you want some help

kristin - yes please

Eric - cause i'm pretty much free all day

kristin - superb

kristin - yes yes.

kristin - yeeeeeesssssssss

kristin - brb

Eric - k

kristin - no JOKE

kristin - conversation i just had w/ a manager:

kristin - manager: kristin did you take blah blah�s (who resigned) credit cards?

kristin - me: um,

kristin - manager: because i have them

Eric -

Eric - seriously people

kristin - i mean seriousl

kristin - how would i have them if YOU have them?

Eric - we need degrees in special education to work in the corporate world girl

kristin - my response: well. if you have them then i probably don't.

Eric - right

kristin - no no we don't.

kristin - we need to become vets.

Eric - ooooh

kristin - because these people are goddamn fucking animals


kristin - and we'll put cones around their necks so they can't scratch their own ears off

Eric - yup

Eric - give them pills, etc.

kristin - and feed them lamb and rice formula kibble so they don't come into our offices and fucking fart all over us

Eric - uh huh

Eric - easy on the GI track

kristin - and we'll wrap their heartworm pills in a piece of cheese so it goeos down easier, and rub their throats as they swallow it

Eric - i'm not sure if i told you about this

Eric - uh huh

kristin - about what?

Eric - and then take them for walks

kristin - about ANIMALS???


Eric - about this special i saw about pure bred dogs

Eric - and the problems associated

Eric - one of them was narcolepsy

kristin - oh right.


kristin - SHUT UP

kristin - that rules.

Eric - and they had these dauchound

Eric - sp?

kristin - RUF RUF RUF RUF zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

kristin - dachsund.

kristin - i think

Eric - anyway, whenever he got really excited/worked up, bitch would fall asleep

Eric - so they put food in front of him

kristin - HAHHAHAHA

Eric - he's all jumping around...going crazy

Eric - and then *BAM*

Eric - asleep

Eric - funniest fuckin thing ever

kristin - hahhahahhahhaha

Eric - and then he was running down the hallway, and then just curled up and fell asleep

kristin - god. that is my DREAM *wink* thing

kristin - i want narcolepsy

kristin - let's get narcoleptic, eric.

Eric - i just did the snoring thing

kristin - THAT way we could just sleep at work.

Eric - yup

Eric - but what would set it off?

kristin - and you know how there's the disabled people's YOU HAVE TO HIRE US OR ELSE association

kristin - so we could definitely work.

Eric - stupidity?

kristin - what would set it off: our names.

kristin - "kristin could..." zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Eric - right

Eric - i'd wear a helmet

Eric - cause i know my melon would be conkin on EVERYTHING

kristin - not me.

kristin - my new nickname will be "bruises"

Eric - mine would be "chicklets" cause i'd have a bunch of fake teeth after they all got knocked out

kristin - and see, here's the kicker: if ANYTHING like word or whatever became like a nickname or something people called us more than say twice, that would put us to sleep also

Eric - uh huh

Eric - that sounds good

kristin - yes.

kristin - seriously i was laughing so hard.

kristin - okay. moving on.


Eric - lemme say this

Eric - i only saw the last five minutes

kristin - so you got to see the video

Eric - because a stupid fuckin basketball game was on UPN 20 and i was at Rich's house

kristin - because whoa.

Eric - i did not get to see the video

Eric - no

kristin - muh.

Eric - although i was on the floor when Yonna and Sara were the final two

kristin - this makes me upset.

kristin - cause on the way in to work i was like eric and i talking about ANTM

Eric - right

kristin - now not so much.

kristin - but in any event.

Eric - see and i thought you would have the same problem as i did

kristin - hello how is it possible that yoanna was one of the final two?

Eric - cause the fuckin Maryland game was on

kristin - oh. no, i totally didn't, which is weird.

Eric - yeah, let's talk about that

kristin - i was like EX. CUSE. ME.

Eric - it must be a local thing then

Eric - AND Sara

kristin - yeah. and peace out sara????

kristin - ?????????????????????????

Eric - before it started I thought Mercedes was going

kristin - REWIND!

kristin - what just happened.

kristin - yes. i know. seriously

kristin - whatever mercedes with your lupus.

Eric - she could knock Mercedes into next week

kristin - she's too short.

kristin - (mercedes

kristin - poor sara

Eric - and her face is too wide

kristin - yes.

Eric - honestly

kristin - well

Eric - cause she is bea. ti. ful.

kristin - tyra said that sara would be BAM right there in a victoria's secret shoot

kristin - so maybe that'll happen.

Eric - I KNOW

Eric - see, i think once it gets to this point, all the girls are gonna get a bone thrown at them, so to speak

kristin - yes. probably true.

kristin - man. janice v

Eric - yeah

kristin - her titties are out of control

Eric - seriously...BAM!

Eric - looooooooooooooook at 'em go!!!!!!!!

kristin - hey ladies.

kristin - hahhahhaha.

kristin - sersly

kristin - this whole narcoleptic dog thing is really great.

kristin - i keep thinking about it.

Eric - *doing the cat playing with the toy thing*

kristin - yeah. well, i just did it myself.

Eric - who just got UBER pissed

Eric - me

Eric - why?

kristin - wha happen?

Eric - because i realied that i have a meeting at 10

kristin - uh oh

kristin - do you have to do the taking of the minutes?

Eric - no, THANK GOD

Eric - i'm actually a member of this team

Eric - so i have to talk and give directions and stuff

Eric -

Eric - this is the new project that's an offshoot of the one i'm already working on

kristin - eeee.

Eric - the reports one

kristin - which is an offshoot of my ass

Eric - yeah

Eric - it's a bamboo shoot off my ass

Eric - curry anyone?

kristin - can it and make yourself a mandarin chicken salad

Eric - dig in!'

kristin - BITCHES!

Eric - reggie was telling us last night about one of the Dave Chapelle skits

Eric - it was a white family with the last name "Nigga"

Eric - at the restaurant: "Nigga, party of two"

kristin - uh huh.

Eric - i dunno, it was funny

kristin - see. what is with this dave chapelle business?

Eric - and my new obsession?'

Eric - or him in general?

kristin - no him in general.

Eric - oh, yeah i dunno

Eric - it's not like he was funny in any of the movies he was in

kristin - i guess i should watch it or something. the problem is that i just don't care.

Eric - how he got his own show is beyond me

kristin - what movies was he in? american pie or something.

kristin - or airplane 7

Eric - there are one or two shining moments

kristin - or whatever.

Eric - the rest is all

Eric - he was in half-baked

kristin - ah yes. half baked

kristin - my other favorite movie.

Eric - uh huh

kristin - man.

kristin - so you have the meeting from 10 to what.

Eric - 11

Eric - nothing crazy

kristin - oh okay

kristin - i was gonna say

kristin - because if i don't have you to talk/type to then i probably will hurt somebody

Eric - right

Eric - it's not for a long time at all

kristin - hahah.

kristin - i just read a headline in the post style section and it's "judy garland: the other side of the rainbow"

kristin - and it's about a tv special tonight called "judy garland: by myself."

kristin - judy garland: what just happened?

Eric - didn't they already show that?

kristin - oh i have no idea.

kristin - haven't they already shown everything about judy garland?

Eric - i think they've played that before

kristin - i mean hello.

Eric - http://epeter2025.diaryland.com/comments/1077639051.html


kristin - FLAWLESS.

Eric - i enjoy the word faggot

Eric - to no end

Eric - ewww

Eric - dreams last night

Eric - not pretty

kristin - oh me too

kristin - let's move to LA

kristin - wait. i dunno if i could handle la.

Eric - san diego?

Eric - you think about it

Eric - i have to go get coffee/neci/smoke/meeting

Eric - be on ASAP

kristin - haha.

kristin - "coffee/neci/smoke/meeting"

kristin - every day

kristin - okay.

kristin - hurry like a hooker taking a bath, okay


Eric - good good

0 Comments So Far

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THAT BITCH - 2005-07-15
JEOPARDY - 2005-06-24
PB&J DAY - 2005-06-16
NOISES - 2005-03-16



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