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Still Hungry?

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Leslie Hall



2004-03-18, 12:28 p.m.

HEY EVERYONE (is the all caps getting your attention?)! Join the Notifylist thingy at the bottom, kay? Thanks.

Eric -

kristin -

kristin - ...

Eric - sorry girl

kristin - you'd betta be

Eric - i opened up 24 visio flow charts at the same time and my computer went bonkers

Eric - teh task manager seems to think that everything is ok

Eric - however the initial "welcome to Visio 2000" screen is covering everything

kristin - hahhahhaa.

kristin - bonkers

Eric - and i'm 2/3 done with Dry

Eric - cause i'm a lunatic

kristin - is it so hella good?

Eric - OH

Eric - MY

Eric - GOD


kristin - i know

kristin - that man

Eric - however his tails of rehab make me wanna drink

Eric - tails?

Eric - tales

Eric - jesus eric

Eric - get on the trolley

kristin - yes please do

kristin - all aboard, eric

Eric - my favorite

Eric - wait scratch that

Eric - ONE of my favorite things so far

Eric - he's talking about advertising lingo

Eric - Two C's in a K

Eric - which is a standard advertising scenario used for many products

Eric - it stands for two cunts in a kitchen

kristin - ahahhahhahahaha.

kristin - every day

Eric - i almost spit up it I was laughing so hard on the metro when i read that

Eric - and i couldnt' stop

kristin - hahhahhaha eric the crazy on the metro

Eric - yes

Eric - toatlly

Eric - i gotta restart these mothers

kristin - okay

Eric - i shouldn't have tried to do that

Eric - with the 24 things at once

Eric - stupid eric

Eric - ok, it's all about printing one document at a time

Eric - so anyway, what's going on with you?

kristin - oh not too much

kristin - son of a

kristin - i lost this one gold marker i had

kristin - dammit

Eric - aw

Eric - damn

Eric - i forgot to ad in my entry that yesterday i got a google hit for my diary

Eric - someone searched on "worhship my boot"

Eric - and i was #1


kristin - because people should worship your boot

Eric - yup

Eric - i was so vamped

kristin - oh

kristin - and just so you know

kristin - thunderpuss is the greatest dj name ever

kristin - i keep thinking about it.

Eric - it truly is

Eric - but i do wish there was one named lighteningcock

kristin - honestly

kristin - or, um.

kristin - stormtits

kristin - or typoon

Eric - stormtits

Eric - brilliant

Eric - monsoon

kristin - are you familiar with the term �hungry booty�? because that�s what crystal calls it when someone�s pants are going up their crack, and it looks like their ass is eating them.


Eric - no

Eric - i've never heard that

kristin - Well, I saw a woman outside who had the flattest, widest, most hungry-for-denim butt EVER. Squeeze those cheeks, girl. You look FLAWLESS.

Eric - i saw an ass the size of a cheesecake factory salad yesterday

kristin - i commented on yoru diary

Eric - flawless

Eric - kiddie car thieves right now

Eric - they're thinking of lifting the ban on police chases in teh city so they can catch teh little bastards

kristin - oh true.

kristin - YES YES YES

kristin - car chases.

kristin - guess what the cats are getting for dinner tonight?

kristin - cold beef flavored fancy feast!

kristin - their least favorite1

Eric - hooray

kristin - kristin - 1, cats - 0

kristin - i was thinking earlier about words that make me laugh no matter what.

kristin - and bonkers is definitely one

kristin - bananas (when used to mean crazy)

Eric - YOWZA

Eric - that usually gets me too

kristin - biscuits

Eric - uh huh

Eric - i'm trying ti think of another one

kristin - seriously every time i think about that time at b&n when we saw that chick, and you were like "omg, that's biscuits"

kristin - i laugh and laugh

kristin - i have tried to tell that story, and i just can't even really get it out.

kristin - it's a lot of 'honey, i can't understand what you're saying. you're making me laugh because you're laughing, but...'

Eric - right

Eric - some things are difficult to caputre on virtual paper

kristin - well, it was actually over the phone.

kristin - on more than one occasion

kristin - oh.

kristin - purnt would be one

Eric - what was over the phone

kristin - "some things are difficult to caputre on virtual paper"

kristin - i was actually talking about telling the story over the phone.

kristin - anyway.

Eric - oh

kristin - my purnt being that purnt makes me laugh

Eric - right

kristin - appurntment, etc.

kristin - anything like that.

Eric - i was like "?"

Eric - and then i thought when you typed 'purnt' that you were using it

Eric - not talking about the word itself

Eric - N-E-Wayz


kristin - hahaha.

kristin - and something that also makes me laugh every time, that is not really a word: that sort of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH noise at the very beginning of "magic stick"

Eric - cause i was abou to type "what's your purnt"

Eric - and then it hit me

kristin - *slap*

kristin - FOODBAR:

kristin - have you ever had a KFC twister?

kristin - it's like a wrap type deal

kristin - looks like a burrit-to'

kristin - because they're REALLY good

kristin - and i want one RIGHT NOW with potato wedges

kristin - and tons of ranch (for burrit-to drizzling) and tons of honey mustard (for wedge-dipping)

Eric - KFC Twister

Eric - EVERY

Eric - DAMN


Eric - DAY

kristin - omg.

kristin - tell me right now.

kristin - gimme summa that

kristin - nina and i were just discussing the twister last wek

kristin - week

kristin - *smoking*

0 Comments So Far

< - >

THAT BITCH - 2005-07-15
JEOPARDY - 2005-06-24
PB&J DAY - 2005-06-16
NOISES - 2005-03-16



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