Hi! We're Kristin and Eric.

Still Hungry?

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Leslie Hall



2004-03-19, 11:43 a.m.

Eric - mornin sunshine

kristin - uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Eric - ?

kristin - nothin

kristin - whattup?

Eric - i don't want to do a damn thing today

kristin - me, neither

Eric - i got an email from this mother this morning telling that certain people hadn't responded back to an email i sent out awhile ago

Eric - and in the email she was all snarky and said "how busy are you these days?"

Eric - me:

Eric - i'm as busy as you are fat

Eric - now shut the hell up

Eric -

Eric - my day just got 1000% better


Eric - OMG

Eric - hey federal tax return...so nice to have you in my NFCU account.


kristin - FLAWLESS!

Eric - color me excited

kristin - done

Eric - i'm looking at the required form you have to fill out for the Austrailian Embassy

Eric -

kristin - woot.

kristin - what is it like "and please enclose some toenail clippings for DNA analysis"?

Eric - well, it's not quite like that yet

Eric - but clearences are required for some of the positions they list

Eric - how awesome would it be to work for the Australian Embassy

Eric - I would shit my pants

kristin - brownen pantsen while you're grilling on the barbie

kristin - (barby?)

Eric - interesting

Eric - i dunno

Eric - barbe

kristin - that looks like it would be "barbay"

Eric - barbee

Eric - the language on the form is funny

Eric - "tick the box yes or no"

kristin - TICK THE BOX???

kristin - TICK?

kristin - THAT. RULES.

Eric - thank you

kristin - i would've probably licked the form when i saw that

Eric - and "it is a requirement of employment that the Embassystaff be seen to be 'fit and proper' person.

kristin - that's like "mind the gap" on the tube in london

Eric - by "fit and proper" they mean not convicted of a crime

kristin - oh okay

kristin - good good

kristin - so you're in teh clear for sure

kristin - well, i mean either way

kristin - becuase you are certainly fit and nothing if not proper

Eric - i was like 'fitness test?'

Eric - thank you

Eric - it says i have to obtain the proper australian security clearence

Eric - i wonder what that means

kristin - hm.

kristin - well, i am assuming it can't be that hardcore, seeing as how you are not an australian citizen

Eric - right

Eric - two of them do not require a clearence

Eric - two of them do

Eric - and i list the position # and then the broadband level

Eric - which i assume is the clearnece level

Eric - and then i have to write how i my work experience applies to the selection criteria

kristin - broadband level?

kristin - whoa.

Eric - it's like writing KSAs for a fed job

Eric - (Knowledge Skills and Abilities)

kristin - or i could ask one of the security mos here

Eric - uh huh

Eric - oh wait

Eric - idtio

Eric - it's probably like payband

kristin - tick the box that says you love baz luhrman

Eric - imma tick the box taht says i love Toni Collette

kristin - toni collette?

kristin - ?

Eric - one of the selection criteria: experience in procuring US-sourced defence (not defense, defence) equipment

Eric - toni collette=muriel, mom in 6th sense, crazy mo in Cosi

kristin - thaaaaaaaat's what i thought.

kristin - wasn't sure.

Eric - so i'm not going to apply for the procurement officer

kristin - and okay, um.

kristin - defence equipment?

kristin - like BOMBS?

Eric - yeah i dunno

Eric - ground to air missles?

kristin - yeah. tick the box next to the job for bomb-ordering

kristin - order some patriot missiles, etc.

Eric - for real

Eric - call up the pentagon

kristin - and, like destroyers!

Eric - "um...hiiiiiiiii, i was just wondering if you guys had any SCUDS?"

Eric - "is layaway available?"

kristin - "yeah do you have them in brown?"

Eric - do you have them in brown,.

Eric - RIGHt

Eric - NOW

kristin - hahahhahhaha

Eric - i don't like getting emails that just say "thanks"

kristin - I HATE THAT.

kristin - yeah i couldn't fucking look at that damn picture of myself any more

kristin - omg

Eric - so now i have to work on talking to each of the skills they want

Eric - what

kristin - OMG.

kristin - HAHAHHA.

kristin - i can't believe you just said that

Eric - what' "talk to"

kristin - yeah

Eric - get this

kristin - kay

Eric - "Respond to talking and requests from Canberra as required"

Eric - Canberra right now

Eric - on teh phone with australia

kristin - omg.

kristin - yessssssssssssssssssssssss

kristin - "respond to talking"

Eric - i'm still baffled i said "talk to"

Eric - without even thinking about it

kristin - i am not even touching that.

Eric - i'm being totally corrupted

Eric - next thing i'll start saying "going forward"

kristin - well, i mean, you're just growing the business, eric.

Eric - well, i can't deny that

Eric - and going forward, i'll be more mindful of what i say so as not to project a false self image

kristin - yes. please make sure that you are aware of what resources are required, and how best to allocate your time.

Eric - all i know is that i really need to be engaged

kristin - HAHAHHAHAH

kristin - kristin's initial reaction: eric you don't need to be engaged to prove your love

kristin - kristin's reaction 2: HAHAHHAHAHA

Eric - everyday

Eric - there's a really awesome mix of "together again" by janet jackson on the CD

Eric - i keep going back to it

kristin - ooooooh fun times.

kristin - brb

kristin - pee/smoke/diet coke

Eric - k

Eric - right

Eric - i'm looking at the broadband scale

Eric - it's pay band/job series

kristin - that cat every damn day

Eric - broadband 3 jobs are senior technical specialists

Eric -

Eric - somehow, i don't think that's me

kristin - somehow, i think you're right.

Eric - riiiiiiiight

Eric - well, two of them are 3

Eric - two are 2

Eric - imma go for the 2s

kristin - right. are the 2s non-cleared positions?

Eric - depends

kristin - oh.

Eric - 2=specialst/senior support

kristin - mm hm.

Eric - which ismore my style

Eric - how would you define "strong client service orientation"

Eric - customer service?

kristin - ass-kisser

Eric - i don't want to mis-interpret what they mean

Eric - but i'm guessing customer service skills

Eric - wouldn't you think?

kristin - mm hm.

Eric - k

Eric - cause i can talk to that rather well

Eric - with my expurience

kristin - and since anyone that isn't your boss is a "customer" according to corporate lingo-jingo, then you're more than qualified.

Eric - lingo-jingo

Eric - that's great

kristin - thank you.

Eric - jango jongo

Eric - jangles


Kristin - >:o

Kristin - i wish i had those fancypants emoticons

Eric - fancypants

Eric - the angry one looks like a chinese man with red eyes

Eric - and they're crossed

Kristin - yeah. i wonder why the braintrust at AOL thinks that chinese people are always so pissed off

Eric - i dunno

Eric - makes you wonder

Kristin - so what're your weekend plyans

Eric - tonight is birthdya celebration for Gay-ry

Eric - and it can really be a celebration since i got the tax return

Eric - "salary will be paid fortnightly"

Kristin - shut up fortnightly

Eric - tick the box that says i want to hump your leg

Kristin - LOL

Kristin - tick the box, fortnightly....

Kristin - you have to work there.

Kristin - must.

Kristin - M.U.S.T.

Eric - MUST

Eric - or the Brisitsh Embassy

Eric - Brisitish

Kristin - mm hm.

Eric - (it's right next to Britain)

Kristin - brit-tish

Kristin - tish bit away from britain

Eric - Bryyyyyyyat tish

Kristin - yes totally

Kristin - tooooooooootally

Kristin - okay, so yesterday i was on the jelly belly website

Eric - uh huh

Kristin - and there is this section called "fun"

Kristin - so i'm like "i wanna have fun" so i clicked on that

Kristin - and they have a section called "art"

Kristin - and there are pictures/whatevers made entirely of jelly bellies

Kristin - kinda like a macaroni picture

Eric - whoa

Eric - i'll bet some of them are complex

Kristin - lookit this business: http://jellybelly.com/Cultures/en-US/Fun/Bean+Art+Gallery/Historical+Figures/

Kristin - princess di

Kristin - laydee dee

Eric - OH

Kristin - seriously if you work at the embassy, you're gonna start throwing "u"s around

Eric - MY

Kristin - all over the place.

Eric - GOD

Kristin - I KNOW

Kristin - hahhahha. so good.

Eric - colour

Kristin - flavour

Eric - and my personal favorite cheques

Kristin - do me a favour, and tick the box

Kristin - okay,

Kristin - http://www.jellybelly-uk.com/welcome.htm

Kristin - eric, they're giving away a fantastic hamper

Kristin - ooooooooooh

Kristin - and you can go on holiday

Kristin - for a fortnight

Eric - favourite flavour


Kristin - i know.

Kristin - and you can eat pudding.

Eric - eh


Kristin - omg

Kristin - http://www.whatsyourfavouriteflavour.co.uk/profile.htm

Kristin - they have a buttered toast jelly belly now

Kristin - WTF.

Eric - i was like "BUTTERED TOAST"

Kristin - i hate you

Eric - i wonder if it's a morph of butter popcorn

Kristin - what IS your favourite flavor

Kristin - flavour.

Kristin - sorry

Eric - oooh

Kristin - they have a mango one?

Kristin - where the fuck have i been?.

Eric - i like juicy pear A LOT

Eric - peanut butter?

Kristin - omg that is totally my favorite

Kristin - juicy pear all the way

Eric - green apple is good times

Kristin - lemon-lime = <3

Eric - YES

Kristin - dammit. now i am going to have to go get some

Eric - seriously

Eric - OOOH

Kristin - shoot

Eric - what about at Target they have packages of M&Ms sorted by color scheme

Kristin - shut up

Eric - there's one that's white, orange, and yellow

Eric - YES

Eric - in the candy section

Kristin - cause i saw jelly bellies at target

Eric - (duh, eric)

Eric - yeah, they have those too

Kristin - and that's what spawned this whole business

Eric - i enjoy the sour jelly bellies

Kristin - sort of

Kristin - OMG me too


Kristin - here's what i hate: WATERMELON

Kristin - wtf?

Eric - me: toasted marshmallow

Eric - W.T.F.

Kristin - i mean, you may be all tricky and green outside / red in the middle like a real watermelon

Eric - yeah,i was more mezmorized by the colors

Kristin - okay: cantaloupe

Kristin - :-

Eric - lemom:

Kristin - pink grapefruit: : D

Eric - is orange good?

Eric - i totally forget

Kristin - eh

Kristin - it's okay

Eric - it's been so long

Eric - tangerine

Kristin - nothin' to write home bout

Eric - LOVE


Kristin - : D

Eric - here's what's fun

Kristin - cherry's good

Eric - there's a Berry Blue..and Blueberry

Kristin - i know

Kristin - i saw that just now

Eric - crazy

Kristin - i bet apricot's good

Eric - jalapeno

Kristin - it's a "rookie", but stil

Eric - i enjoy their attempt at being different

Kristin - PEACH

Kristin - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Kristin - GOOD ONE

Kristin - hahahhahha

Kristin - "liquorice"

Eric - the margarita ones were good too

Kristin - yeah margarita's good.

Eric - i want to say i liked island punch too

Kristin - strawberry jam: stupid. strawberry daquiri: stupid

Eric - thumbs down to chocolate pudding

Kristin - thumbs down to BUBBLE GUM

Eric - UGH

Eric - bubble gum ice cream

Kristin - hahahhahha

Eric - man

Kristin - seriously i thought about that just this week

Eric - it was only good for teh color swirl

Kristin - b.b. ice cream

Kristin - the only reason it was worth a crap was because it was blue

Kristin - well, sometimes

Eric - Raspberry

Eric - was that good?

Eric - and Plum

Eric - ?

Eric - i dont' remember those mothers

Kristin - they're like eh/shcme

Eric - right

Kristin - but they're not offensive

Kristin - not offensive like ROOT BEER

Eric - and i haven't had peanut buteter to my knowldege so i can't speak to that

Eric - UGH

Eric - root beer

Kristin - i've had peanut butter

Kristin - and it tastes like it

Kristin - but, i don't want my damn candy tasting like school lunch. thanks, though

Eric - sorry, i just dont' want my chewy candy to taste like it

Eric - peanut brittle...fine

Eric - soft and chewy sweet candy? no

Kristin - yeah peanut brittle is fun

Kristin - thank you.

Kristin - that's where the line is drawn.

Eric - yes

Kristin - chewy candy = tangy

Kristin - i dont' care who youa re

Eric - yes

Eric - tangy

Kristin - er. well, i really like strawberry skittles & starburst though

Kristin - and those are sorta sweet.

Eric - but sweet in a gleeking kinda way

Kristin - yeah yeah

Eric - chewy candy=gleek

Kristin - oh totally

Eric - Tutti Frutti...pack your faggoty bags and get outta town

Kristin - like seriously that time i was eating hot tamales at work, and spit on a customer

Kristin - tutti frutti

Kristin - right away: YOU'RE FIRED

Eric - "you spit on me" you: "no i didn't"

Kristin - oh totally

Eric - everyda

Kristin - and i'm sure the "no i didn't" came out all "say it don't spray it" as well

Eric - uh huh

Kristin - lemon drop.

Eric - you should have hocked one on him

Kristin - i wonder what that's like.

Kristin - yeah i can't hock.

Eric - true

Eric - me either

Kristin - stupid chocolate pudding

Eric - maybe if i practiced

Eric - caramel apple

Eric - ?

Kristin - hm.

Kristin - that's new.

Eric - cherry cola?

Eric - ooh

Eric - very cherry are pretty good

Kristin - and so is caramel corn


Kristin - i wonder if kiwi's good

Eric - Kiwi

Eric - ?

Kristin - it better be tangy

Kristin - m hm.

Kristin - http://www.whatsyourfavouriteflavour.co.uk/profile.htm

Kristin - middle row

Kristin - second from the left

Kristin - next to juicy pear

Kristin - BEANBAR: listen to us right now.

Kristin - about the jellies

Eric - oh totally

Eric - twomothers everyday with this

Eric - i've been looking at the profiles the whole time

Eric - it's sort of like a briefing slide

Kristin - oh yeah.

Eric - i dunno how i feel about choc-cheery cake...oh wait a minute, yes i do...STOP IT


Eric - and Top Banana

Eric - get out.

Eric - GET.OUT.

Kristin - get peeled

Eric - Banana should never be a flavor

Eric - ever.

Eric - esp. those fucking banana now and laters

Kristin - don't even talk to me about that i'll get all furious

Kristin - hey.

Kristin - so if you click on a jelly

Eric - and runts

Kristin - it gives you recommendations for who would like the flavour

Kristin - like celebrities.

Eric - I KNOW

Kristin - HAHHAHHA

Eric - it's so good

Kristin - they recommend top banana to posh & becks

Eric - for Britain's "television shows"

Eric - like they're popular other places or something

Eric - minus ab fab, are you being served, and the office

Kristin - hahahhaha.

Kristin - they recommend pink grapefruit to cindy crawford and tim henman

Kristin - tim henman

Kristin - :-


Eric - take a memo girl

Kristin - DAMMIT

Kristin - DAMN

Kristin - IT

Eric - TO: Ethan Hawke...marry me.

Kristin - they recommend juicy pear for jennifer aniston

Kristin - : (

Kristin - ethan hawke?

Kristin - really?

Kristin - he is definitely h-o-double crucefix

Kristin - hold that thought....

Eric - *holding*


Eric - Cappuccino is recommended for Tiger Woods...prolly cause he's mela-to


Kristin - foamy white head


Eric - man

Eric - i want soem lunch

Eric - brb

Kristin - nkay

Eric - pee/smoke/sammich

Kristin - mm hm


2 Comments So Far

< - >

THAT BITCH - 2005-07-15
JEOPARDY - 2005-06-24
PB&J DAY - 2005-06-16
NOISES - 2005-03-16



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