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Leslie Hall



2004-09-29, 12:38 p.m.

On Viewing Photos From My Parents� and Brother�s Trip To France

Kristin - i saw all the pictures
Kristin - like
Kristin - all of htem
Eric - whoa
Kristin - yeah
Kristin - i definitely wanted to see SOME
Kristin - but we went through all of them
Kristin - "eating lunch" and "doors" seemed to be the theme
Eric - yeah doors
Eric - my god
Eric - doors, knockers, and statues
Kristin - i know
Kristin - it was like
Kristin - "the louvre...
Kristin - the louvre....
Kristin - the louvre again....
Kristin - the louvre
Kristin - it was like 15 different angles of one statue
Kristin - "a rose...
Kristin - flowers....
Eric - oh totally
Kristin - the rose again with me holding it up....
Eric - a cafe
Eric - another cafe
Kristin - eric at the cafe
Eric - dad sitting at the cafe
Kristin - dad looking at eric sitting at the cafe
Eric - me sitting at the cafe
Kristin - eric looking at dad while i'm sitting at the cafe
Eric - mm hmm

On America�s Next Top Model / UPN In General

Kristin - did you watch ANTM last night?
Kristin - cause i didn't get to
Kristin - luckily they're playing it at 8 tonight
Kristin - phew
Eric - it wasn't on last night
Eric - they said it was on their Wednesday line up
Kristin - oh
Kristin - OH
Eric - not Tuesdays
Kristin - huh that's weird
Eric - i was all excited
Kristin - wasn't it on tuesdays before?
Kristin - or am i crazy?
Eric - adn then it was like "catch ANTM tomorrow night!"
Eric - and now here's The Parkers
Eric - or whatever it was
Kristin - shit
Kristin - and now here's not-so-funny black family sitcom
Kristin - cut to eric cutting upn
Eric - yes
Eric - then i just took my nyquil and passed out
Kristin - brb smoking

Paper / Ninja Turtles

Eric - who's sick of looking at this paper work on my desk cause i think it's me
Kristin - shred it
Eric - if only i had a shredder
Eric - speaking of shredder, what about teenage mutant ninja turtles are all the rage
Kristin - !
Kristin - what?
Eric - yeah, they have new cartoons and everything
Kristin - amazing

Art and History

Eric - the next vacation I go on will have no historical significance
Eric - and nothing to go see
Kristin - man i bet you were furious about having to go to the louvre
Kristin - i mean
Kristin - i wouldnt' even go there and i've never been
Kristin - fuck art

On Being a Good Daughter

Eric - did they enjoy that
Kristin - cause i'm sure the last thing i'd wanna do after a transatlantic trip is go to the f-ing commissary and have to deal with the retirees and their uncontrollable flatulance
Kristin - and yes they did
Eric - ah the commisary
Eric - it's like going to hell without all the fun people
Kristin - it's like being at teh kids table in hell
Kristin - except the kids are all over 70
Kristin - and they smell
Eric - and talk about 'nam
Kristin - god
Eric - mesh hats akimbo!
Kristin - it's really true
Kristin - and pilipino ladies workin' those registers

On The Reading Eric Has To Do At His Friend�s Wedding

Eric - i'm going to do the reading which is basically something along the lines of "please bow your heads and pray for peace and retarded children etc"
Eric - and i wont' be there for the rehersal
Eric - two lines or something
Eric - so that's good
Kristin - super

On Being A Gang Member

Eric - where are the other gang members located
Eric - are you in charge of recruting in the DELMARVA area
Kristin - all the other members are in CA
Kristin - i am the sole eastcoast member
Eric - ah
Eric - so you have quite the territory then
Kristin - yes i do
Kristin - luckily the states are small and more manageable than, say, utah
Eric - true
Eric - not as moutaineous either
Eric - do you have to go west of the mighty mississip?
Kristin - i am saying no on that
Eric - cause that would just be a logistical nightmare
Eric - when you get down to brass tacks that is
Kristin - right
Kristin - brass tacks hammered into the gums of any and all haters / posers
Eric - with your brass knuckles
Kristin - yes
Kristin - Max said he's going to get me a switchblade
Kristin - which i honestly think i should wear like a garter of some sort on my thigh, and store it that way
Kristin - like *lift up skirt seductively in the face of my enemy*
Kristin - *switch*
Kristin - *cut*

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THAT BITCH - 2005-07-15
JEOPARDY - 2005-06-24
PB&J DAY - 2005-06-16
NOISES - 2005-03-16



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